European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers

EFCL Membership Registration Form

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Are you currently a member of the EFCL?

Last name
First name
Postal code
Telephone number
Fax number
Date of Qualification
I confirm I am a practising
lawyer eligible to represent
accused persons
…in the jurisdiction(s) of
Are you member of any
national or regional bar(s)?
If yes, please indicate the
name of the bar(s)
Languages spoken

Annual fee (running from January till January) is

  • Members with 5 years or more qualification: € 160 a year
  • Members less than 5 years qualification: € 85 a year
  • Academics (non-practising lawyers): € 85 a year
EFCL website

Publishing of Contact Details on EFCL website []

Possible options:

  • I wish my details to be made available on the EFCL website both to Members and Non-Members.
  • I do not wish my contact details to be made available.

Make your selection

I confirm that I have checked that the inclusion of my details does not breach any legislation, rules, regulations or professional conduct rules. I agree that I am responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on the website and will notify the EFCL immediately if there is any change in my contact details or status.

ECBA website

Publishing of Contact Details on ECBA website []

Possible options:

  • I wish my details to be made available on the ECBA website both to Members and Non-Members.
  • I do not wish my contact details to be made available.

Make your selection

I confirm that I have checked that the inclusion of my details does not breach any legislation, rules, regulations or professional conduct rules. I agree that I am responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on the website and will notify the EFCL immediately if there is any change in my contact details or status.

Data protection

I consent to the details of this application form being held on a paper/computer database and being published in such form as the EFCL considers appropriate for the benefit of the EFCL and its membership. I consent to the details being transferred to countries or territories in the World for the purposes of publication of members’ details on the Internet. I understand that I may withdraw this consent by giving notice to the EFCL at any time.

I confirm the contents of this registration form are true and agree to the EFCL making any reasonable checks they deem necessary on this information.

The EFCL reserves the right to refuse any application for membership without reason.

The accuracy of the contact details on the website are the sole responsibility of those individuals and the EFCL takes no responsibility in any matters that may arise due to any inaccuracies. The individual must ensure that the provision of these details on the EFCL website does not contravene any national legislation, guidance or professional regulations and the EFCL takes no responsibility for any such breaches.


By sending this form I agree to all conditions as set above.

Registration key


Please do not alter this value unless you have been provided with a new registration key from the secretariat.

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